Friday, November 28, 2014


YES happy to say I went through the biospy and it wasn't so bad although I did take a xanex before the procedure which helped, and the staff was very nice. It was guided with ultra sound and over within 15 minutes. Well Wednesday this week I went to endocrinologist and he said it was benign just need to check blood wood in 6 months and have ultrasound in a year. That was the best news for me being that the last time I had a biopsy it was cancer only it was the breast. Any way my friend who works for an acupuncturist
made me go in and see him because she hasn't liked the way I looked so I went to see him the first time and he made me some herbs to drink but was not able to do anything else because of my inflammation. The inflammation is supposed to go down with the herbs. Then he will be able to do more. Of course they tell you to continue to listen to your doctors and take your meds as prescribed because this is just to help you through it. I must say it is a very relaxing place like going to a spa so if you could and have the ability to go I would recommend it. I have been on the herbs almost a week yes they taste gross, but the last two days I actually felt happy which I feel like I haven't in a long time which has to do with stress, anxiety and my lupus. Also I only got up in the middle of the night twice to go to the bathroom. AMAZING!!! USUALLY ITS EVERY 2 HOURS LIKE CLOCKWORK.... So whatever he's putting in there I think is helping. That's another reason why I don't feel good as he says the good energy goes in but because of autoimmune system it has nowhere to go and just sits in the stomach that's why I can't pee right and I'm always tired and achy.
So we shall see what happens this week. I'm very hopeful and trying to stay positive because I would really like a measure of life back at least a little.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014


So I went to endocrinologist on Thursday  and he said I have an enlarged thyroid which means it a goiter, not like you can see it or anything I wouldn't have known if that cat  scan wasn't done. The reason why its enlarged is that I have more than one lump in there and they are big. One is bigger than 1.5 cm. He said it hasn't affected my hormones because the tsh is perfectly fine, so he gave me three options, some people like to just remove the whole thyroid, or you can do nothing and check it in 6 months and see what happens or you can get a needle biopsy which would be what he recommends. I told him my primary said its not cancerous don't worry. Since that is a big worry for me because in 2006 I  had breast cancer and a mastectomy and reconstruction and chemo and I had the kind of cancer that was aggressive meaning it can show up anywhere at anytime. so that was my concern and he told me that my primary can not say that unless he was some kind of higher power that knows these things. So now I have to wait to be set up by my primary docs office to get this done. I should not have looked on you tube for this because now i'm even more scared to do it but I know I really don't have a choice and if I could go through all that I have been through with cancer and chemo I could do this. I just have to suck it up and close my eyes and be a big girl.So needless to say I have been a crazy stressed out person. I also went to my rhuemy the same day and no change with blood work not any better and he doesn't want to increase my meds until he knows whats going on with the thyroid. It's nice to know that they all work together. I will keep you posted.Fibromyalgia/ Chronic illness