Thursday, July 14, 2011


I don't know if any of you suffer leg cramps but I have been battling this for years. Anyway Doctors had me on everything to help , but my body is sensitive to lots of different meds, and so my primary care doc told me to try magnesium. Well I have to tell you it really works. I have been taking it for a few months and not only does it help with the leg cramps but it make you relax so you can sleep. That's another issue!!!!! magnesium helps alot start off with 250 mgs then work your way up if you need to .
So anyway let me tell you when my doc advised me to try that he had already given me every med to take for sleeping and leg cramps and as a last resort told me to try it it's what his wife takes cause they go to all natural doctors......hahahaha how about that pretty funny stuff

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