Monday, October 8, 2012


The past couple of nights I've been waking during the night with major back pain that I could not get comfortable for nothing. I have also been (more than usual) exhausted which is pretty exhausting. Yesterday when I got out of bed I felt pain in my pelvic figured maybe gas, because whenever I have a uti I never had pain. Today I even had a fever that's how I knew it was more than gas. Wow I must say this pain is horrible and making me nausea. So even though I have no insurance my doc made me come in for a urine sample and they called in a antibiotic for me. The nurse told me publix supermarket you could get free antibiotic amazing even that was for free today. Can't wait for my medicare to kick in next month. Having no Insurance really stinks and it's funny since I haven't had it I keep having all these problems. 

Friday, October 5, 2012


I found something that I think you will like. The company's name is YouData ( They are trying to convince consumers like us that we should be the ones controlling our own data and selling our own attention, not third parties like broadcasters, newspapers, and spammers. By creating a MeFile at, I now control what ads I see and when I see them. Best part - I am selling my attention directly to interested advertisers, for real money. That's right, I get paid for giving them my attention. I can use the funds to buy music and video online, donate to charities, give to my favorite blogs and websites, or keep the change myself and do whatever I want with it.
It's real. They pay. You should check it out.
Click this link to sign up. My MeFile ID, krazlady, in the "Referral Code" will tell them I sent you.
Take care,

Monday, October 1, 2012


This is what I looked like six years ago with my youngest baby  girl. Yes I know I'm bald and everyone hates when they see this picture.My family that is. But it is reality and no one is exempt cancer can strike anyone. Young, old, man, women. It is not prejudice. The reason why I'm posting this is because it's October and that's  NATIONAL BREAST CANCER AWARENESS MONTH. Get your mammograms. It's worth it. It can save your life.  I remember the day I found out it was cancer. I had a half of day at work cause I had to work that Saturday, and so I went to target picked up some pretty shades for my bedroom. It felt good getting off work early. My husband was home and I seen there was a message on my answering machine so I listened and it was from my doctors office saying to call the office and make an appointment because my doctor wanted to talk to me about my mammogram. Of course I knew what that meant and was scared and shaking. We called the office and told them we couldn't wait we were coming right now. They really didn't want to hear it, but there was nothing they could do. So yes my fears were right doctor had said it was stage two breast cancer. We went home and I just cried and my husband put the music on softly and danced with me. That was the most comforting moment. Right then I knew I was going to be fine. I have the greatest support system. My husband and children and all my dearest friends truly were the best support system anyone could ask for. So what ever you go through in life having a good support group is vital. Of course the greatest of all is my Heavenly Father who supports us through his word the bible.