The past couple of nights I've been waking during the night with major back pain that I could not get comfortable for nothing. I have also been (more than usual) exhausted which is pretty exhausting. Yesterday when I got out of bed I felt pain in my pelvic figured maybe gas, because whenever I have a uti I never had pain. Today I even had a fever that's how I knew it was more than gas. Wow I must say this pain is horrible and making me nausea. So even though I have no insurance my doc made me come in for a urine sample and they called in a antibiotic for me. The nurse told me publix supermarket you could get free antibiotic amazing even that was for free today. Can't wait for my medicare to kick in next month. Having no Insurance really stinks and it's funny since I haven't had it I keep having all these problems.
Coping with everyday life, also fibromyalgia,and a breast cancer survivor. Hoping to encourage others.
Monday, October 8, 2012
Friday, October 5, 2012
I found something that I think you will like. The company's name is YouData ( They are trying to convince consumers like us that we should be the ones controlling our own data and selling our own attention, not third parties like broadcasters, newspapers, and spammers. By creating a MeFile at, I now control what ads I see and when I see them. Best part - I am selling my attention directly to interested advertisers, for real money. That's right, I get paid for giving them my attention. I can use the funds to buy music and video online, donate to charities, give to my favorite blogs and websites, or keep the change myself and do whatever I want with it.
It's real. They pay. You should check it out.
Click this link to sign up. My MeFile ID, krazlady, in the "Referral Code" will tell them I sent you.
Take care,
Monday, October 1, 2012
This is what I looked like six years ago with my youngest baby girl. Yes I know I'm bald and everyone hates when they see this picture.My family that is. But it is reality and no one is exempt cancer can strike anyone. Young, old, man, women. It is not prejudice. The reason why I'm posting this is because it's October and that's NATIONAL BREAST CANCER AWARENESS MONTH. Get your mammograms. It's worth it. It can save your life. I remember the day I found out it was cancer. I had a half of day at work cause I had to work that Saturday, and so I went to target picked up some pretty shades for my bedroom. It felt good getting off work early. My husband was home and I seen there was a message on my answering machine so I listened and it was from my doctors office saying to call the office and make an appointment because my doctor wanted to talk to me about my mammogram. Of course I knew what that meant and was scared and shaking. We called the office and told them we couldn't wait we were coming right now. They really didn't want to hear it, but there was nothing they could do. So yes my fears were right doctor had said it was stage two breast cancer. We went home and I just cried and my husband put the music on softly and danced with me. That was the most comforting moment. Right then I knew I was going to be fine. I have the greatest support system. My husband and children and all my dearest friends truly were the best support system anyone could ask for. So what ever you go through in life having a good support group is vital. Of course the greatest of all is my Heavenly Father who supports us through his word the bible.
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Today I wasn't feeling good so I didn't do my regular routine which would be going out in the ministry door to door. Instead I stayed home and decided to write some letters and go for a walk with my husband. While we were walking we seen a man looking in the canal near our home. My husband says that's what I wanted to do look at the fish. Then the man was taking pictures so I saw my chance to go talk to him. I said isn't it beautiful out here and he turned to me and said what the ALLIGATOR. There it was a live big alligator starring at me from the canal. The man said he was sitting on the grass earlier basking in the sun. Amazing this is the first time in over 25 years that I live here in Florida that I've ever seen a gator right by my house, I've heard about it on the news our children were trained to run from them in school, but this was the first time ever i have been face to face with this very strong creature. Exciting and scary all the same time. Got home and it reminded me of the scripture at Isaiah 65:25 which says " the wolf and the lamb themselves will feed as one, and the lion will eat straw just like the bull, and as for the serpent his food will be dust. They will do no harm nor cause any ruin in all my holy mountain, Jehovah has said." That will be a great time when we could enjoy all the animals our great God created and never have to fear because we will all get along. Just imagine playing with a tiger in your yard that sounds awesome and am so looking foward to it.
chronic illness,
coping with life,
obsessive compulsive disorder,
why do we die,
why do we suffer
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
This is what happens when you've been in the house to long because of storm warning .
Monday, August 27, 2012
Well we made it through the first tropical storm. I have not been out of the house in three days and after looking at the new tonight I am so glad I haven't there is flooding every where. We may not have had a lot of damage which is a good thing, but definitely alot of clean up. I feel really bad for those in Louisiana, because by the time it gets there it will be a cat 2 hurricane and wouldn't you know it's the anniversary of Katrina which devastated Louisiana. I hope the best for them.
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Last week a friend told me about a concoction to help clear my chest up from coughing and it included aloe vera juice which I thought sounded gross. Of course I have to look up everything to make sure I can take it or if it disagrees with my lupus than I wouldn't try it anyway as I researched it I found out that there are some amazing benefits from aloe vera so I included one of the websites so you can check it out. I'm going to give it a shot and let you know how it works
Having a great weekend with my kids and grandkids. Relaxed in the pool had barbecue that my wonderful son in law made and watched the grandkids enjoy there dessert chocolate cupcakes with all color frosting what messy funny faces now we are going to play rummikub my favorite game. That was Friday. Saturday hung out at the pool and enjoyed rum punch and my wonderful son made us barbecue for lunch and dinner and played rummikub all evening. the three girls were so good they played dress up and watched movies and played barbies what a great weekend.
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
The omega 3 fish oils may be immune system stimulants, but these won't stimulate the immune system to produce cells that will attack the body. The fish oils will rather repair the immune system and regulate its function, reducing the possibility of lupus flare-ups. In addition, the omega 3 fatty acid that exists in fish oils can be an anti-inflammatory agent. So it's so important to take omegas 3-6-9's whether it's in capsule or food.
lemon garlic cod
I made this for dinner it was awesome and I don't like fish
- 4 6-ounce pieces cod
- 2 cloves garlic, crushed
- 1/2 tbsp butter
- 1 tbsp olive oil
- Juice of 1 lemon
- 2 tbsp chopped flat leaf parsley
Preheat oven to 400 degrees.
Place fish in a baking dish large enough to hold the fish in one layer. Season fish with a little sea salt and freshly ground black pepper
Place butter and olive oil in a small nonstick skillet. Heat on medium low. Add garlic and sauté for 1 minute. Add lemon and parsley, then remove from heat. Drizzle garlic mixture over top of fish. Bake for 12-14 minutes until fish flakes easily with a fork.
Saturday, July 28, 2012
I was watching Dr. Oz the other day an Montel Williams was on and had some energy boosters that have been helping him. He has had M.S. for years and he says he starts each day with one of these smoothies and it has helped him. I haven't tried it yet, but I will as soon as I get to go grocery shopping. Hoping it gives me the energy I need. So anyway thought I 'd give you the recipe
Makes several 16 oz. servings
Makes several 16 oz. servings
2 pints cut up pineapple
2 pints cut up watermelon
2 quarts coconut water
1 bag baby spinach
1 bag frozen blueberries
2 green apples or 2 bananas
Blend all of the ingredients together in a juicer, pour into 16 oz. servings. You can store or freeze extra smoothies to drink later. Enjoy!
Recipe courtesy of Montel Williams
I'm not so crazy about coconut water so I think I'm going to leave it out. If I drink it without the coconut water it's 0 points plus value on weight watchers. I'll add water instead we shall see
I'm not so crazy about coconut water so I think I'm going to leave it out. If I drink it without the coconut water it's 0 points plus value on weight watchers. I'll add water instead we shall see
Sunday, July 22, 2012
Starting to feel much better still can feel my chest congested when I breathe, but I don't feel like I can't move.The zpac really is good . I really think this hot humid weather doesn't help and of course since I have a compromised immune system it doesn't help. So I know people think taking antibiotic is not good but if it helps you to get better than it is well worth it.
Saturday, July 21, 2012
I can't believe it has been a month since I first caught this crazy cold. It went away so I thought, I guess I was never better cause I never regained my strength. Well anyway my husband got it after me and now I have it worse than ever. Called doctor to get started on antibiotic. That was Thursday. Today I feel just as sick, but no more fever. I have no strength and I feel like I can't get enough air in my lungs. Even though, I have dinner arrangements tonight and my Husband says we should go even if it's for an hour. Oh well that's the way the cookie crumbles.
Thursday, July 19, 2012
finally a show I love extreme makeover weight loss edition with Chris Powell. He is so awesome and has so much compassion for people. I have to say last week I was very upset that the girl he was working with never made it to have her skin surgery. That just makes the icing on the cake. Where I live it's on sunday at 9pm. You got to watch it it's awesome.
Sunday, June 24, 2012
Has anyone ever used castor oil lately? Well let me tell you my granddaughter had these warts on her knee and my daughter in law took her to dermatologist and they tried burning them off. They made her cry mean doctors. So anyway it didn't work. my daughter in law did some research and believe it or not castor oil got rid of her warts. No pain just put it on the spot amazing. So now grandma got to try it for my little lupus patches and some wrinkles. One of the spots I have is on my lip. It's an itchy patch that popped up over night so I tried and at first I thought it was getting worse so I stopped using it and someone told me it was drying it out. So I tried it again and amazing it's almost gone I couldn't wait to tell you.
here's an awesome site for castor oil benefits I'm sure you'll enjoy
Friday, June 22, 2012
I can't believe how horrible I feel. I did so good all winter without catching anything. Keeping myself away from all the sick people now that summer is here kids home from school want to have some fun with grandkids I am sick. I guess I got what ever is going around out there. It seemed like I couldn't run from it. Every where I went someone was coughing or sneezing and even my grandaughter came over with it so I guess it's my turn. All I want to do is lay down and sleep. Of course I had to catch this thing now that I have no insurance and can't even get anything for it. Great timing oh well time to rest
Sunday, May 13, 2012
I can't believe how emotional I am. I could not stop crying today. When I was at my congregation meeting I read a scripture and said a word wrong the word is supercilious and I said superlicious could I get and dumber anyway I knew my day was going the emotional way I should have just kept my mouth shut cause after that I went crying like a baby. Like people don't know I'm not perfect everyone makes mistakes. I can't get myself over it. I guess that's what ocd gets you. I feel like an idiot. So has anyone done this?
Saturday, April 28, 2012
I am so sick of feeling horrible. Anyone lactose intolerant? I'm sure you understand. It seems just when I get a handle on it it happens again. I eat something that has dairy. Do I forget or am I just dumb? I don't know, but ohhhh does my stomach kill me. It's amazing cause it happens within a half hour. The cramps then the gas and it stays till the next day. This week I went on a taste test to earn my 25.00 dollars which in fact is a great way to earn that little extra when you need it. It was a chicken cordon bleu sandwich. Ok I knew it had cheese so I took a lactaid pill before I ate it and don't you know all I ate was a few bites and I still got sick from the cheese and it was bad not the sandwich the cheese was a killer. Oh well maybe someday I'll learn from my mistakes. So anyway I'm including this site that explains what lactose intolerant is and the symptoms. When I read it I realized how I got it. I had cancer 6 years ago and of course had chemo and that's one of the ways you get it.
Friday, April 20, 2012
I've been on weight watchers now for about 12 weeks and I got rid of 13 pounds so far. It is an awesome program. I've been on it before and never went to goal weight cause after a while it becomes to expensive. I am hoping this time I could make it I would love to reach my goal. I've tried to do exercise but once I think I'm doing good my legs start with the aching, my knees feel like they need replacements along with my hips. So I stopped for a bit to feel better again. I think I'm going to have to do things in the pool where there is no stress on the body. Last week at weight watcher meeting that was the discussion doing exercise in the pool if you have issues with your joints. Now if I could only get myself to go to the pool.
Anyway I think weight watchers is the best program cause it's not really a diet it's a way of life. All about portion control and eating healthy
Anyway I think weight watchers is the best program cause it's not really a diet it's a way of life. All about portion control and eating healthy
chronic illness,
weight loss
Monday, February 20, 2012
That's how I feel like running only if I could hahaha. I am getting tile in my home but they have to rip up all the old stuff (laminate and tile). My husband and I have done all we needed to do and prepare for this and you know me I'm ocd I need to be clean and perfect and oh in control, but guess what? I have no control and want to scream the noise is sooooo loud and the dust is still flying and you see the thing is no one understands what I go through to clean and it gets to hard for me and my body gives out. Even the love of my life don't get it. No one does, but I know you understand what I go through. I am sitting in my room with plugs in my ears and split a half of Xanax with my cat cause we are both freaking out.I would have went to a hotel but then thats extra work packing up. Oh well I needed to get this out. Thanks for listening. I'm not crazy I'm not
That's how I feel like running only if I could hahaha. I am getting tile in my home but they have to rip up all the old stuff (laminate and tile). My husband and I have done all we needed to do and prepare for this and you know me I'm ocd I need to be clean and perfect and oh in control, but guess what? I have no control and want to scream the noise is sooooo loud and the dust is still flying and you see the thing is no one understands what I go through to clean and it gets to hard for me and my body gives out. Even the love of my life don't get it. No one does, but I know you understand what I go through. I am sitting in my room with plugs in my ears and split a half of Xanax with my cat cause we are both freaking out.I would have went to a hotel but then thats extra work packing up. Oh well I needed to get this out. Thanks for listening. I'm not crazy I'm not
Sunday, February 12, 2012
I have been on pristiq since 2010. That's it I had enough. So I have been weaning myself off this poison. Definitely not easy I have been tapering a little at a time and now i am down to the end. Hooray I hope it's done. I have been going through stomach problems light headedness and nausea and my husband says I'm grouchy and snappy I don't see it. lol I think it's getting better though it has been four days since i last taken it. oh yeah I am getting crazy hot flashes and the sweats real bad. I have noticed that I can cry again.
Doctors love putting you on meds, I hate meds They put me on it cause they said I was depressed because I could not express the pain I was dealing with while I was working it was causing me extreme stress and maybe I was depressed cause that does go along with my illnesses but I feel now that I'm not working anymore I don't think I need to be medicated like this. Pristiq takes your normal life style away i noticed I was sitting on the couch resting more and more not having the energy to do things around the house and also took my emotions away and no libido but I am looking foward to getting over this hump and back to feeling good.
I don't know if it's coming off the pristiq that is causing the extra pain from fibro like achy muscles in my legs and my neck and so forth i could go on and on. Anyway I'll keep you posted.
Doctors love putting you on meds, I hate meds They put me on it cause they said I was depressed because I could not express the pain I was dealing with while I was working it was causing me extreme stress and maybe I was depressed cause that does go along with my illnesses but I feel now that I'm not working anymore I don't think I need to be medicated like this. Pristiq takes your normal life style away i noticed I was sitting on the couch resting more and more not having the energy to do things around the house and also took my emotions away and no libido but I am looking foward to getting over this hump and back to feeling good.
I don't know if it's coming off the pristiq that is causing the extra pain from fibro like achy muscles in my legs and my neck and so forth i could go on and on. Anyway I'll keep you posted.
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